The team

Our stop smoking coaches work with you to set a quit date and provide ongoing support so you can stay smokefree.​

Ann McDonald

Ann has worked in health for many years and is passionate about helping people discover the benefits of stopping smoking by supporting and championing the creation of individual smokefree plans. Based in Grey and Hokitika, she supports people on their smokefree journey from Greymouth all the way down to Haast.

Jeanette Thomas

Buller region
Based in Westport, Jeanette provides smoking cessation support for the Buller region as far as Karamea and Reefton. Jeanette has an extensive career working in health, giving her insight into complex health needs that affect day to day living. Having worked in Smoking Cessation for many years she has a passion for helping people to quit smoking to gain better health and wellbeing.

Jackie Gurden

Grey District
Jackie supports people all over the West Coast to get smokefree and keep up healthy habits. Whether you’re in Greymouth or Haast, Jackie can help you to stay on track and stop smoking. A life-long Coaster, Jackie was a sports coach and manager before starting at Oranga Hā Tai Poutini. Her favourite part of the mahi? Helping the people in our West Coast community. 

Contact one of our friendly team
to begin your smokefree journey

Are you a West Coaster
looking to quit smoking?

Make today the start of your
smokefree journey